Concealed secret within the Bible.

Concealed secret within the Bible.

The topic of discussion pertains to the connection between sex and the base or root chakra, which is considered to be the most concealed secret within the Bible. While the Bible advises against engaging in sexual relations, it fails to provide an explanation for this prohibition.

As a consequence, individuals, particularly young and immature adults, often feel compelled to engage in such activities out of curiosity.

Consequently, this leads to a widespread occurrence of sexual encounters, resulting in the transfer of one’s depleted and corrupted energy to each new partner. It is crucial to comprehend that we are beings of light in order to fully grasp this concept.

As beings of light, it is vital that we understand and embrace this aspect of our existence. Our true nature radiates with light and positive energy, which affects our well-being and the world around us.

When we recognize that we are beings of light, we become more aware of the impact we have on ourselves and others. We can strive to cultivate inner peace, mindfulness, and compassion to enhance this light within us and radiate it to others, making a positive difference in the world.

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Concealed secret within the Bible.

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