Staring at the fiery gates of Hell, a sense of dread washed over me. With no advocate to plead my case before the judgment seat, nor anyone to intercede on my behalf, the weight of my misdeeds and wrongs burdened my conscience as I readied myself to face the consequences of my actions.

Would I be condemned to an eternity of torment and suffering, or would a sliver of mercy be shown to me? Only time would reveal the answer, as I braced myself for what lay ahead.

Suddenly, a bright light emerged, steadily growing brighter until it became blinding. To my astonishment, a crystal throne materialized, upon which sat a figure of a man cradling a lion in his lap, while clutching a golden sword in his right hand.

The sword emitted a radiant golden-white flame, encompassing all the colours of the rainbow. I pondered whether this was God or an unfamiliar deity. As a surge of energy coursed through my body with such intensity that it momentarily stole my breath and caused

to collapse to the ground, an overwhelming sense of joy filled my heart. Could this be my Lord? Was it a divine intervention or merely a hallucination? Regardless, it left me in a state of awe and wonder.

copyright 2023 jingin metaphysics

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